IRC log started Fri Jul 2 00:00:00 1999 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 1999.0702 -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes hi -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes 04:20am -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes -:- binEng_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES (Ping timeout for binEng[]) -:- binEng_ is now known as binEng -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES ( <k!14>) -:- smkl [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes -:- Kaufmann [Kaufmann@] has joined #Tunes Shalom1 s/1/!/; So, what do you guys think of this whole Yahoo BS? yahoo? Yes, Yahoo's GeoCities terms of service nonsense -:- rain [rain@] has joined #Tunes Hi~ Hi hello, Kaufmann 09:10am never heard about that ... smkl: dont u read /.? i check it for interesting topics Goes like this: Yahoo! {buys|merges with} Geocities; Yahoo! creates terms of service for Geocities homepage owners which basically says that they have all rights to whatever you put on their server; when people try to take their stuff out of Geocities, Yahoo! doesn't let them do it until they click on a button accepting the aforementioned terms of service. Extorsion at its best. Say I move in to a new apartment; I go out to buy dairy products, and when I come back, the landlord has posted a note on my door which says that he can do whatever he wants to my furniture, including selling it, and that the act of opening the door in order to move out implies that I agree with that note. well, you should read the contracts carefully NONONONONONONONO!!! The original Geocities homesteading terms of services mentioned nothing of the sort! then that should be illegal YES! hum I forgot to tell you: by the mere act of entering #tunes, you agree to sell you soul to me. 09:20am * hcf/#tunes passes his soul over Of course not, because I also forgot to tell you that by the mere act of talking to me, you agree to sell YOUR soul to ME! Hah! So there! Jesus freaking Christ. * binEng/#tunes wonders what he should do with his soul i will found a bank that takes the money and then i'll use the money as if it was mine Kaufman: oops. Hum. Is it acceptable if I send you my soul by air-mail, or must it be FedEx? Kaufmann: What do you do with all souls anyway? -:- change_m1 [] has joined #Tunes Hi out there hello change_m1 -:- change_m1 [] has left #Tunes [] I will... uh... oh yes, I will use the souls of undead computer nerds to turn the Earth into a new Outworl-- oh no, wait, that's Mortal Kombat. 09:30am hmm -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes Fare, please send it via UPS. -:- SignOff rain: #TUNES (xchat exiting..) Kaufman: oops, I already sold my soul to the devil, and thus cannot give it to you anymore! Oh, I forgot. I took over Lucifer Corp. last week. So your soul belongs to me nonetheless. * binEng/#tunes has copyrighted (c) his soul. Twice. * Kaufmann/#Tunes puts his soul under the GPL. Kaufmann: Hope that someone will debug you? ;) 09:40am Actually, I'm doing it just to get complimented by RMS BTW, is that a verb? "To compliment"? sounds like it "To compliment" does NOT sound like "it"! uh * binEng/#tunes has a bug in his script :( What's wrong? if (not g) or (g == '\012'): NameError: string 09:50am That's Python, btw I was just about to ask you :) * binEng/#tunes can't understand this... everything seems to be in order -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES ( <k!14>) Speaking of scripts, I'm working on my new sigmaker Anyone care to see it? (Maybe beta-test it?) sigmaker? It's a Perl script that takes a file full of signatures (delimited by lines with '-----') and randomly spews one out. Quite handy for email. Sorta like fortune. 10:00am Kaufmann: if like fortune, then use '%%' as delimiter Well, what the heck, I'm just going to add another variable... (and thus becomes bloatware :]) -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Kaufmann[]) Kaufman: I use fortune for that Kaufman: I translate my collection of sigs in fortune format, and can then query it with fortune hcf: ain't it rather just %\n? * hcf/#tunes thot it was %%\n hcf: yesterday I wondered if you could help find something, but I don't remember what should look in the irclog... 10:10am -:- Kaufmann [Kaufmann@] has joined #Tunes damn -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) 10:20am Anyway... Is "Art of the Meta-Object Protocol" a good book? >>> Kaufmann [Kaufmann@] requested PING 930936414 from #Tunes yup Good, because I just ordered it. 10:30am -:- iepos [] has joined #TUNES fare? fare is sometimes looking at another screen and interruptible with a beep (/msg Fare ^G) or at or connected through a crappy ISP ( -:- SignOff iepos: #TUNES (Leaving) 10:40am -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Kaufmann[]) -:- Kaufmann` [Kaufmann@] has joined #Tunes -:- Kaufmann` is now known as Kaufmann Hey, cool! 10:50am -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Connection reset by pear) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Kaufmann[]) -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes -:- Kaufmann [Kaufmann@] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES (Ping timeout for binEng[]) -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes Gotta go now.' -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES ("Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind." - Albert Einstein) -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes 11:30am -:- Tril [] has joined #TUNES -:- mode/#tunes [+o Tril] by ChanServ Tril!!! * Tril/#TUNES is back from the dead. Gone 22 hrs 59 min 58 secs a line of trees through france, huh? Fare: did u find what u wanted me to seek? hullo Tril, I'd need to have a word with you ... hcf: no Have you looked at the scripts for tpp? Beh thought they could be used for Tunes as well. no, what do they do? You can create and update pages. The html is generated from templates. hmm ...and changes are logged and old versions backed up. with the current system also, html is generated from templates... and changes are logged and old version backed up I didn't know and you can modify the templates with XEmacs... and this is different from Zope in that... it was just written so Zope is about 100 times more advanced? hcf: I wonder if an article, somewhere, relates generalization to lambda-lifti ng? Fare: I thought of getting PLOB yesterday but saw it was restricted distribution is it? rats! because of its database being based off of a proprietarey one from Napier88 Tril: well, RScheme has a free software equivalent problem is, CL-HTTP doesn't run on RScheme... hcf did you look at netomat yet? abi netomat is a nonlinear browser at on /. today 11:40am fare and plob only runs on allegro and harlequin (the server that is. the client runs on others) double ouch Tril: netomat? netomat is a nonlinear browser at hcf see /. i think is slashdotted Yup, it is nonlinear is also a buzzword I need a page on buzzword-oriented programming hcf, get me a persistent hyperprogramming system that is free or GPL How do you update tunes' pages? hcf: can you find anything on the relationship between lambda-lifting and logical generalization? (GOOD LUCK) Tril: Tunes? it has been said that Tunes is, a free reflective computing system or for programming languages what the internet is to networks or like flypaper for hallucinogenic programmers or discombobulated Fare: maybe one that is further developed? instead of search, hack:! * Fare/#Tunes hidezs binEng: you use CVS. fare, no , it's a good idea binEng: collaboration.html#CVS k what's a good idea? if you want access to change our pages, just ask to be added to the tunes UNIX group on bespin Fare: hacking Tril: do you have to be in that group to edit pages? or maybe finishing up my design first binEng: if you want the changes to be effective. obviously you can make your own personal changes without being in the group personal changes? do they count? where are *that* stored? binEng: you can get a copy of the pages as anonymous but you can't then write any edits back yuk, command line interface binEng: CVS works as a repository. To edit things, you "check out" a copy of the files you want to edit for your own use. Then after changing them, you "check in" the changes. You can also run "update" to update your local copy if anyone else has made a change. Where's a meta-site about free software employment? binEng: there are a few gui ones 11:50am shtml ok maybe not a meta site How is CVS related to Zope? CVS *is* a version management system. Zope includes a primitive version management system of its own, that is imcompoatible with CVS. Our web setup is capable of generating html from templates using an arbitrary program invoked by 'make' zope generates html from its own special template format that allows acess to Zope objects basically zope generates pages from templates on every web access, but our makefile setup does it once a day or so but... which one do you use, then? uses CVS and make., which is not ready yet, but i am working on, uses Zope. so you will use Zop in the end? I don't know. It should be possible to use both, by adding postgresql database reading into the makefile process. Tril: whats hyperprogramming? hyperprogramming is where you make programs by connecting nodes in a persistent database to represent data or code, instead of using a text-based language 12:00pm -:- water [] has joined #tunes hi, water hi all tril! what's the topic? i think the topic is Free Reflective Computing System abi: shush persistent hyperprogramming cool i've read way too much of univ of st andrews' papers 12:10pm Tril: i assume uv read the c.l.visual faq, right? yeah -:- _water [] has joined #tunes <_water> bleh i looked at all the links in it, too, and nothing was freely available <_water> well, the pam spec is free <_water> i mean, it's published water i mean links in comp.lang.visual faq which you missed while you were gone <_water> ok, so that's not much to work with what is pam <_water> oh <_water> persistent abstract machine -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Ping timeout for water[]) -:- _water is now known as water water: have you the URL for the precise paper? is it reflective? * binEng/#tunes is off for a while -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES ( <k!14>) reflective? not really bye bin I know the british guys have investigated reflection albeit a quick&dirty kind thereof (string evaluation) fare: just check the st andrews cs group site water: it's huge! fare: really? i'll check on it fare: it has a search engine for papers those are the pam specs there's also the pbam, which is a derivative what's the b in pbam? pb is processbase use the ...Publications/ address to search 12:20pm too many theses to read! My pile of "to read" is already meters high! tell me about it of course, i don't print them i recommend pbam over pam, by the way better architecture and high-level features rats! You're part of an international plot to keep me busy reading instead of writing Tunes! hehe i've read most of it i can condense it for you that would be great there are a few papers among those with actually interesting results hold on, i'll get addresses Tril: will u be writing a review entyr for Napier88? and a glos entry for hyper-programming what are the relationships between FIDE and PPG? fare: what? "delivering the benefits of persistence to sys construction and execution " what is "Manifest Pickup" in UPS tracking? "reflection and hyperprogramming in persistent programming systems" They are the ones doing PJama, aren't they? fare: yes help! "Types and Polymorphism in Persistent Programming Systems" * Fare/#Tunes is drowning in these to read! hehe * water/#tunes 's read em all :P we need a papers section for review "read" them, over "glimpsed" over them? water: will you do it? i read almost all of them last year _read_ 12:30pm they're not earth-shaking papers here's what quote showed up at the bottom of /. today, for water: One is not superior merely because one sees the world as odious. -- Chateaubriand (1768-1848) hehe what do you want me to say, tril? "touche"? Chateaubriand's first name was Francois-Rene, too! hehe Or is it me first-named after him? hum. fare: you should definitely read this next one, but i don't know what the url is "partial evaluator as a compiler for reflective languages" their example lang is black, which is a sheme s/sheme/scheme I've heard about it. Got a URL? hmm. univ of tokyo TR95-10 that's all i've got at the moment ok, thanks on the other hand, perhaps it's not in my interest to encourage fare to improve scheme :) why not? FARE know of a search engine for music based on tune? So I can sing a tune into the microphone and it tells me the song? this was in the cddb example was it not? i need to use one now :) other choice is to record the song and send it to people to see if they recognize it -:- tmf [] has joined #tunes what group? what genre? Tril: tell me the tunes in ABCD notation... if I could... -:- SignOff smkl: #TUNES (smkl has no reason) * Fare/#Tunes has hacked a perl script to play tunes on the linux console... ~fare/bin/ Is it possible to safely allow the world to read my CVS repository? semi-safely what's "semi"? hehe -:- smkl [] has joined #tunes tmf! you must add the user 'guest' to the group owning the directory in the repository. And then trust CVS to only allow the anonymous user to create a lock in the directory, not do any check ins (done by not putting the anonymous user in CVSROOT/writers, but only in CVSROOT/readers) hi tmf: any new word on tml? 12:40pm tmf: got a web page yet? water, my uni trashed it, and I've quit uni which user 'guest' acutally is depends on the user anonymous is mapped to in CVSROOT/passwd. tmf: oh sorry no web page yet, possible not in a while hmm tmf: not even on ? what about on bespin? after all, we accepted water in, so we can accept you, too! ;-> I don't feel that I have anything to say basically hey! tmf: did you contact people doing rewriting logic? fareL :P You could candidate there... fare got a C=64 emulator? with working sound? i'll send you a rom , you tell me what the title screen music is I've stopped trying to explain stuff. Hopefully, though, I will get about creating it, but having it classified as useless makes it kind of hard. i'd like a midi of it how did it get classified as useless? i hope that's not from what i said Tril: no, there's VICE, but I'vee not installed it. I'm an Apple ][ kind of guy know any programs to record DirectSound to a file fare, no, the prof. I presented it to. * Fare/#Tunes apt-get install vice thanks, fare :) maybe you can explain me how to get it working, tho I wouldn't know where to start. Fare: no, i haven't used it but I might know where to get the firmware roms required piracy! * Fare/#Tunes calls the SPA I don't know where people ( or me, as it seems ) fall off. Lack of feedback, I guess. saddam hussein milosevic bombing terrorist iran contra drugs arms deal -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes * Fare/#Tunes suspects being a FBI infiltrated informant 12:50pm s/being/binEng being/ hehe oh? how much do you want to be convinced I'm not? oh? how much do you want, to be convinced I'm not? the more you try to convince me you're not, the more I'll suspect you... but if you pay me $1M, I'm ready to believe you're not.... you got a deal * Tril/#TUNES is away: (afk) [BX-MsgLog Off] I think I'll act is if I knew nothing of CVS or Zope and just continue scripting right on -:- SignOff tmf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for tmf[]) Fare, water: got this? -:- tmf [] has joined #tunes definitely thanks that's the url for that paper wow. i have 200 bookmarks only? hehe * hcf/#tunes lost count @ ~400 time to start your own /. or yahoo or something well, most are two clicks away from the papers i like /me got around 2000 bookmarks 01:00pm that's useless, though not including those already in Review/ exactly ah-ha! found it what? this one's for you, Fare: don't get any more from st andrews "constructing compilers in a persistent environment" not a big paper, but it has some interesting ideas who wants to code some Scheme? hehe maybe lambda but not scheme lambda? what language is that? You mean, Haskell or something? hehe lambda calculus as in lambda-foo.scm ? yes well... * water/#tunes hates identifiers 01:10pm i should let you know that i don't code without a really good reason any more people who code just to code should be shot :) not really, but... water: I don't understand your latest message on the list ukernel? i'm suggesting including a kernel aspect to code giving every process kernel-level ability to manage resource management "you still disagree" with whom/what? disagree that there "is no such thing" as a no-nernel system are you saying that kernel-less is impossible? the opposite oh, ok. that's why i came up with that example idea 01:20pm Fare, water: why u so quiet umm just sort of looking at stuff aop, actually 01:40pm * Fare/#Tunes tries to find the tune Tril handed him I would have said it's some Grieg, but I can't find the tune maybe it's some film music? 01:50pm -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes wb hcf: anything on lambda-lifting and logical generalization rule? Fare: did u need something soon? i was working on tril's request 1st ok what was his request, btw? hcf, get me a persistent hyperprogramming system that is free or GPL hehe good luck -:- tcn [] has joined #tunes hey hey, tcn 02:00pm -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES ( <k!14>) tcn!! hey tcn hey fare how are ya brian? hum. I've been looking at MIT Scheme implementation what about it? getting inspiration I want to choose correct conventions for my implementation -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) great (sarcasm) -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes correct conventions? such as? putting the right thing in the right registerss; having an efficient memory model, allowing for efficient gc blah -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes low-level stuff yup i.e. deciding the back-end of my initial compiler why re-inventing wheels? 02:10pm btw, i've looked at the same thing because I need a free implementation that I can adapt for a reflective system I might try to take one as is, is that what you say? -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Ping timeout for AlonzoTG[]) or adapt it i.e. hack the hell out of it most of them are very difficult to adapt MIT-Scheme looks very difficult to transform into something persistent hmm so are SCM-based stuff maybe Scheme48 things. what's your model of persistency? RScheme has persistence, but depends all too much on C. And it's not persistence of code. right 1) objects live in zones 2) zones are metaobjects 3) we maintain a well-founded (non-circular) dependency graph of metaobjects, so as to be able to reconstrut the universe from its dump dependency graph? (and also to be able to reason soundly about the semantics of objects) uhh hmm it's much like "reflective towers", only 1) it's heterogeneous and 2) it's dynamic tell more, please -:- NetSplit: split from [02:18pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] 02:20pm in "reflective towers", you have a static hierarchy of mostly-identical metasystems ok in tunes, you have a dynamic category of metasystems ok got it with the requirement that the initial object of this category be the available hardware. a single object? initial object == the one on which the whole implementation is ultimately founded this is a natural requirement: your system, to exist, must be implemented on your available hardware! still, a _single_ object representing hardware a _single_ model of hardware the "computer" object? composed of disk, ram, cpu, etc..? no. a single hardware. the initial object is NOT a _model_ of the hardware. It is the hardware itself!!! fare: "a single hardware"? no difference water: if you live in two universes at the same time, you may have two hardware. there sure _is_ a difference between a thing and a model thereof * water/#tunes thinks fare can avoid patronization, please no especially not in software systems If you see no difference, I propose that we exchange my idea of ten thousand dollars with your actual ten thousand dollars i reiterate: patronization is not welcome In exchange of your $10K, I even accept to give you the idea of $10M! now you verge on complete arrogance * Fare/#Tunes looks up "patronize" on dict the "single object" is not a model for the system itself uh? i mean, to the system what are you talking about? what models hardware in your system ? the single object _is_ the whole system's implementation what does that mean? you needn't forcibly a _mode_l of hardware. But you do need hardware! so? -:- Netjoined: -:- smkl [] has joined #tunes and you needn't a one "completely accurate" model of the hardware. why does the persistence system need to know this? You needn't one at all. what's the point of that object? the persistence systems need to know how to reconstruct the running system from its dump. stop. why does it exist? 02:30pm it just plain exists! how does it derive that? because if it doesn't, then neither does your system! it doesn't derive. what is the category then? You live in a universe. You buy a computer, and this computer is the substratum on which you build your software universe. you're assuming that i read your mind here computers are not substrata! the category is that of systems implementing other systems. * water/#tunes thinks fare just loves hierarchies It's no hierarchy. It's a category. yeah, whatever -:- BABYHICK [] has joined #tunes I AM BABY HICK AND I GET IN LOTS OF TROUBLE I AM MESSY WHIPE ME DO IT fare: well, if there's one hardware node, then how do you emulate it? -:- mode/#tunes [+o Fare] by ChanServ -:- mode/#tunes [+b *!*hrustit@*] by Fare -:- BABYHICK was kicked off #Tunes by Fare (stop shouting!) -:- mode/#tunes [-b *!*hrustit@*] by Fare -:- BABYHICK [] has joined #tunes -:- BABYHICK is now known as ABP fare: that supposes a new object that is functionally identical with your "single hardware" object why so??? not AT ALL. fare: which is a circular dependency We do NOT have a hierarchy of mostly identical systems. -:- SignOff ABP: #TUNES (Leaving) i didn't say that it's really like having your hardware implement through linux a C envrionment, that implements, through gcc-compiled code, a perl environment, that implements, etc, etc that's still a hierarchical idea -:- HickServ [] has joined #tunes so what? pushing and popping implementations it doesn't recognize emulation you can't push the same implementation onto two different meta-objects the system can't automatically handle that what do you mean? of course, you can have emulators. Again, the "hierarchy" is _dynamich wtf categories allow circular dependencies why don't you? when i run what i have so far for the compiler i ger "segmentation fault" 02:40pm I do All I require is that there be an initial object, the hardware. "3) we maintain a well-founded (non-circular) dependency graph of metaobjects, so as to be able to reconstrut the universe from its dump" i beg your pardon? and again, NOT a _model_ of the hardware, but the very hardware. fare: that implies that you can't model the hardware then you would have two different meta-objects representing the same thing no. This implies that we do not need to model the hardware hahaha what?? you have to explain that the fact that we have a dependency graph means that we can constructibly reach every "interesting" object of the system in finite time. I have nothing to explain. You're just asking silly questions, to which the only answer is MU. you have causality reversed there you're just being an arrogant ass now as usual ;) why would i never want another meta-object for hardware? because the meta-object for the hardware is the pysical universe, dude! that doesn't make the meta-object not constructible so? big deal! well, God allegedly constructed the universe. i'm not trying to reconstruct the universe just the relevant part But since we are not god, it might be a bit over our capabilities to do so. so i can experiment with other implementations in my system * water/#tunes ignores fare's patronizing aspect to this discussion how else do i port the system? plus, you don't NEED construct the universe, for it's already there or re-implement it for that matter? and so is your hardware. re-implement the universe? what about other hardware? hello! what about another machine with very similar hardware? if you change your hardware, you'll change your implementation, too, obviously!!! if your other machine is similar, you might have a similar implementation so? you can't make them meta-objects in your system :P make _what_ a metaobject? a hardware meta-object are you arguing for the fun of it? Fare: aware of lambda-dropping? hcf: no, what is it? no, i really don't understand why it seems that your system is so limited. 02:50pm what's the point of the meta-object system? what can it do? what can't it do? not "the", "your" or are you too busy adulating scheme? :( not quite the point is to implement a system from your hardware and...? you can do it modularly if you want, to reduce complexity and increase reuse (which are quite the same, if you look at it) "modularly" is a buzzword for me what operations are available? what aren't? the operations you implement are available, and none other. haha operations on meta-objects, idiot not for objects geez those implemented by the meta-meta-object oh, that helps -:- SignOff tmf: #TUNES (Leaving) and those happen to be...? modifying the underlying meta-object, correctly. invoking constructive properties of these meta-objects ok, this is pointless (like soundness, as described in my article implement1) i'm asking for a feature list, and you give me the definition of feature water: you're discovering the GIGO principle you give me silly questions, I give back silly answers. i'm asking for a feature list, and you give me the definition of feature i'm asking for a feature list, and you give me the definition of feature i'm asking for a feature list, and you give me the definition of feature you really don't understand what i'm asking for, do you? * water/#tunes kicks the bugs out of Fare damn machine! :) what can you do with this persistency system, and what can't you do? i.e. without modifying your meta-meta-object Just what kind of feature do you want? umm, i've noticed how much paperwork & crap would be saved by a simple persistent storage system 03:00pm will you quit assuming i'm a moron who doesn't understand goedel or turing!! or the benefits of a simple persistent VM!! I just don't understand the question you're asking. obviously not maybe if you asked a precise question with precise meaning in a precise context, things would be clearer or if you gave an example for a person who studies reflection, i find it surprising that you can't reflect on your own context or a particular instance what does your idea offer over, say, PAM or PBAM? oh wait you haven't even looked at those * HickServ/#tunes is away: (Auto-Away after 10 mins) [BX-MsgLog On] n/m i'm discussing something that is completely beyond your research experience now that's a much more precise question! but not answerable until you study those papers I want to be able to dynamically change the underlying implementation, while preserving the observational semantics hmm PAM or PBAM might be a one possible underlying implementation, provided it's free software. picking two dependency paths to the same meta-object? and changing them dynamically? somehow I'd say that differently, but I think you get the idea. wow. i finally got a valid answer wow I finally got a valid question! hehe we think differently, you and i irc is not an optimal medium very true what would be better? well, i think that the non-circular limitation is unnecessary, if you add something else telepathy? telepathy would be even more muddled you might have circular meta-objects, if their circularity is properly handled (non-circularly) by a meta-meta-object! sex? you could make the "root" meta-object the base of a frame i.e. picked dynamically the meta-meta-object would handle that water: I don't get the idea you're trying to communicate. you have a web, and pick a "root" or "single hardware" meta-object in the category that becomes your base "single hardware" meta-object you don't choose the hardware in software the hardware is given -:- hcf_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) you don't get it you should be able to treat software as hardware -:- hcf_ is now known as hcf (you may design new hardware in software, but you won't change the hardware purely in software) you should be able to _treat_ software as hardware (least your software controls an autonomous robotized manufacturing plant) 03:10pm or controls a set of home-appliances yes, by making it constant. But you can't treat hardware as software! :) you do, by introducing a meta-object for it -:- SignOff tcn: #TUNES ((dinner)) no. You have the _idea_ of hardware. sigh... which is software i agree Which for software purpose, might be enough, but isn't quite when you are doing some interaction with the real world. what about dpga's? it's just lower-level software. hardware becomes a partial result of hardware it's still software. doh! hardware becomes a partial result of software just like asm is lower-level than C bleh closer to hardware ~= lower-level the human mind is hardware, too yes it is, unless you're doing abstraction inversions. Fare: u refer to logical generalization, is this the common term/phrase for it? this is pointless just that we're not implementing computers with the human mind, but the human mind with computers. i'll just keep working on the arrow system and papers, and demonstrate it to you, while you are busy updating and porting your schemes for the next several years hcf: commonly, "logical" is implicit. hcf: so that it's just a generalization rule any other term as common and meaning the same as generalization? good question. \forall introduction? lambda-introduction? introduction of universal quantifiers? no, not \lambda-introduction, but \forall-introduction shut up, fare (although using the curry-howard isomorphism, the proof object for a \forall will be a \lambda) no kidding why didn't i think of that? water: you're welcome. * water/#tunes slaps Fare around a bit with a large trout think of what? water: you seem to have a large store full of trouts! what the brilliant Fare came up with to support the idea of lambda-introduction maybe people in the navy spend their time fishing trouts? abi: Fare is also an arrogant ass okay, water. thanks, abi de rien water water: I didn't quite invent the Curry-deBruijn-Howard isomorphism... no, but you contradicted me 03:20pm nor the notion of *-introduction no kidding and people wonder why i'm not a tunes member * Fare/#Tunes thinks water just ate a rotten trout at lunch. no, but i'd like some respect! water: the club is open -- you enter and you leave as you wish! water: one doesn't demand respect. One earns respect. Fare: run a.out in my /users/dave/lengua (it's init.c) Fare: and you deny it it's all messed up I don't deny anything. you deny me respect! You know, internet communications are _quite_ misleading. purely written. No tone. slowness. anger. slow feedback. uhhh... indeed water: what do you call "respect" or lack thereof? HS: what about it? you expect that when i use a term you're unfamiliar with, that it is some silly notion i cooked up. Fare: go to my directory and run a.out it won't work :( is it a worm or a virus or so? no it'sinit.c which contains scanner.h is source available? is _all_ source available? is it _freely_ available? of course you= were the first one to look at the damn source silly!!! Can I redistribute it, if I wish? it's 1/3 of the front end of a compiler water: I expect that when you use terms I'm familiar with, it's with their familiar meaning. Fare: do u like/know haskell? whatever floats your boat i guess water: all the more when the terms are in common use hcf: I know it a bit, but haven't practiced enough to either like or dislike. many enlightening ideas. Fare: well, i can't read your mind or know that a term is in common use when i'm not a formal part of the academic community!! Fare: /users/dave/lengua Fare: recompiler it if you don't trust me :( water: let's chill down, will we? -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) chill down? you mean mabye "chill out"? HS: if you can't program pointers correctly, use LISP or ML!!! chill out, right! 03:30pm what can't i do?! Fare: no, not if i have to deal with an arrogant jackass who is the leader of the project most closely resembling mine. write a program that treats pointers as they should. what's wrong with my pointers? water: if you wish. HS: why ask _me_. HS: you're wasting time with C! -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes Fare: i wish it because agreeing with you is ingratiating HS: where's a sample file? Fare: i find your idea of tunes to be disgusting what do you mean? the arguments to main are crappy. it's main(int argc,char**argv) oic i never really learned how to do command line args i just got by water: tell me more. Why disgusting? Fare: on the other hand, what else should i expect from a linux junkee? I usually welcome constructive criticism. well, better be linux junkie than a windows junkie :) Fare: the windows choice is a no-brainer, which is exactly the amount of time i feel appropriate for dealing with computers: none. water: of course, I'll understand your discontentment better if you give me reasons I can understand rather than just general degrading statements :) Fare: and that reflects my point about your idea of tunes. well, there must be someone to actually implement the things on the computers. Fare: fopen(argv, "r")? Fare: what? Everyone chooses his job, every does his job well, and the world is a better world. You might choose not to deal with computers. Fine. That's your choice. Fare: are you smoking a narcotic? heh we need people of all trade to make the world better. Fare: well, you deal with need. HickServ: if(argc>=2) { fopen(argv[1],"r"); ... } Fare: just like a drug-pusher and junkee. water: I don't see why you introduce narcotics in the discussion. May you elaborate? Fare: you speak of need. I speak of need? hcf: can you translate in more basic english, so I understand? Fare: the classic example of social situations involving need is that of drug-pushing what need are you talking about? i generalize your concept of "what computers are for" to account for "humanity's interest in tools" and corresponding need. my compulsive need to look for people on-line who'd acknowledge some value to my ideas? pico init.c uh hehe oooops wrong screen water: I don't understand your last sentence. that derives from what i'm talking about Fare: i know 03:40pm I don't understand << account for "humanity's interest in tools" and corresponding need. >> Fare: can you overcome GIGO in this case? ;) -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes with your help, I might be able to hi alonzo Fare: well, you didn't help _me_ much that is, if you're trying to communicate something, and not just showing off your anger. water: help you do what? water: if you have a particular request, I may help. but if I don't understand the request, that'll be hard. hehe. i didn't think that you'd consider me as having a valid idea, and you just explicated that. uh? I don't understand your sentence. Fare: why if (argc > 2)? HS: because you don't want to SIGSEGV if no argument is handled why should you be interested in my request? if i stop talking, you will still be able to work on tunes, since you have such a good idea about what you're doing, right? and i obviously have no idea what tunes is about. i can only approximate it, since _you_ are the one with the great idea of tunes. water: I consider you to have many interesting intuitions, and some interesting self-made culture, but to lack the ability or will to make you understood better. like "else printf("\nNo input file.\n");? Fare: and of course, that's all they are: just interesting. not helpful, not more to the point. ancillary in fact. Fare: isn't that what you really think? They might be helpful, once you communicate them. but as long as you can't formalize them or otherwise communicate them, they sure are not helpful. but of course, that's _my_ responsibility, since i'm the outsider. it's a shared responsibility, but your share of it is certainly the larger one. and it's _my_ job to conform to your ideas to explain them to you Don't have good ideas if you aren't willing to be responsible for them. -- Alan Perlis which is easily explained by your complete lack of interest in all AI-related issues. water: not just to me. :( If you can find someone else than me to communicate your ideas, that'd be great. face it. you're extremely closed-minded But you must find someone, whoever it is. i have found several om I am interested in AI issues, although not as much as someone like Jacques Pitrat. none are technically-oriented water: congratulations. fare: shut up I hope that if you're unable to express your ideas in a way I can fully grok, those other persons will. * HickServ/#tunes and Alonzo sit in the corner oming (will be able to express your ideas in a way I can fully grok) Fare: i didn't spend three years away from tunes without developing many explanations of my ideas. Fare: they aren't scheme and perlis sycophants :P they'd never be able to explain it to you, then * AlonzoTG/#tunes has new mondo cheep joystick 03:50pm I appreciate Perlis because of what he said. I don't appreciate what he said because it was PErlis who said it. * hcf/#tunes casually strolls over to the corner and urinates on the oming duo * HickServ/#tunes stands up and shoves his foot up hcf's candy ass :) >=) HS: what kind of smiley is that? * water/#tunes stands in awe of the intellectual glory of the Tunes development team. Fare: the evil smile water: sarcasm isn't helpful, either. water: doesn't it make you proud ;) Fare: i wonder if your considerations for Tunes have ever extended beyond 40 years in the past or future. Fare: or even past academic society for that matter. water: my considerations have extended beyond 40 years in both past or future; but these considerations are not for Tunes. exactly water: if you don't like us why are you still here? you don't see how tunes relates to the larger picture I hope Tunes will be a finished story 40 years from now. And it sure didn't exist 40 years back. water: I do see how Tunes relate to the larger picture. hs: because fare is here, beholder and tril are sometimes here But the larger picture isn't just tunes I see Tunes as a bootstrap platform on which to make AI research Fare: no, you don't see what tunes means in domains other than computing but only a platform. Fare: what is tunes for the mind then? Fare: could you implement tunes in your mind for your mind? I admit my feeble mind does not allow me to see much beyond the field of computing; at least not in a clear and helpful manner. water: I don't understand what to implement something in my mind or for my mind means. i know Again, if I wish to implement Tunes on a computer, it's because my mind is too feeble to serve to implement it upon. you study computational reflection. but you couldn't reflect beyond the capabilities of your ape-minded siblings here. I can imagine lots of science fiction about reflection of the human mind; but to me, these are science fiction. Fare: if i write lengua in scheme will you help me out? Fare: i know HS: why not. Fare: ok water: I feel the best I can do to make this science fiction more of a reality is implement Tunes. water: if you can do something else in that direction, fine! Fare: great. you suggest giving computers a cybernetic technology leap. 04:00pm that's an optimistic way of seeing my work. I'd like to be able to think this way 40 years from now :) 40 years from now, i doubt i'd characterize the activities of your mind as thought. then it'll be all the better for mankind. (or robotkind, perhaps :) sigh... why sigh? mankind doesnt deserve betterment hcf right on ;) well, whatever deserves betterment, deserves betterment. Whatever doesn't, I don't care about. * Fare/#Tunes has difficulty separating sarcasm from actual information within water's discourse. -- so much for communication over the internet! maybe it's time that i clarify my human language design not for you fellow, of course i know how pointless that would be -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (The Tao has left the building!) poor bitter creature! ah!!! ah? i have a peice of finger nail stuck between my teeth om =\ mu Al: so? * AlonzoTG/#tunes is lurking for info on Quantum trancievers. what's that? Stuff for quantum computers? or for secure transmission? 04:10pm -:- smoke is now known as amie amie: salut :) * Fare/#Tunes is sad about water. I hope he could see the light. I fear he won't :( Fare: he just sees a different light than u (or anyone else) btw, by not knowing of flew, u prove that u'v done zero research" :( flex hcf: let's hope so. * AlonzoTG/#tunes slaps amie around a bit with a large trout The sunlights differ, but there is only one darkness. -- Ursula K. LeGuin, "The Dispossessed" -:- amie is now known as smoke hcf: i don't want something to make a scanner for me -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (zzz) oops, I fear I've lost some of my fortune cookies somehow... ;\ 04:20pm clobbered them with a cat > :( :( :( it's 4:20 do you know where your kids are? =\ Why did you kill your wife? i killed my wife ? wel hot damn!!! freedom at last HS? rumour has it HS is french acronym for "Hors Service", that is, "Out of Order" -:- SignOff smkl: #TUNES (sleeping ....) 04:30pm -:- _QZ [] has joined #tunes <_QZ> i got beos!! !!! does it rox0r your two celerons? <_QZ> i wonder if this can boot from the cd, without installing, like the demo <_QZ> wow it boots from my 6x cdrom drive as fast was win98 boots from my udma hdd heh om =) -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (installing fone line splitter.) 04:40pm <_QZ> man i hate relative <_QZ> s -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes <_QZ> why must they all have a birthday every year and expect me to go qz: get the gun and say no <_QZ> heh -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes om <_QZ> my grandfather would probably say "go ahead shoot me" HickServ: hmm, that looks familiar hcf: indeed * hcf/#tunes is away. <_QZ> i wish some dumbass hadnt put the 6x as master and the 24x as slave QZ: isn't the dumbass yourself? <_QZ> uhh 04:50pm if it's your computer, then you're responsible for plugging things at the right place... <_QZ> hmm beos said it just installed a scrollbar <_QZ> and it installed the Be logo <_QZ> odd, the cd is installing gif's yet beos doesnt support gif reading QZ: beos is made by a stupid arrogant frenchman ;-> beos is the closest so far to perfect in C++? nah! however, it is no where near perfect <_QZ> Fare: arent all frenchman stupid and arrogant? some are not stupid 05:00pm <_QZ> ah beos is installed reminds me early 1993, when OS/2 2.1 was the next big thing... happily, I chose the Linux path instead... * HickServ/#tunes is playing closer.mp3 really loud it has naughty words :) -:- ruiner [] has joined #tunes 05:10pm -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES ( <k!14>) hmmmmmmmmm.... anybody here? i am Fare: here?\ you let me violate you you let me desecrate you you let me penetrate you you let me complicate you help me i've broke apart my insides HickServ: be silent help i've got no soul to sell -:- SignOff ruiner: #TUNES (Leaving) help me the only thing that works for me; help me get away from myself; i wanna fuck you like an animal * hcf/#tunes pokes Fare hcf: hum * Fare/#Tunes takes HickServ's temperature * Fare/#Tunes calls the doctor Fare:,,, 05:20pm Fare: they rnt exact hits, but useful might be gleaned -:- BABYHICK [] has joined #tunes ok, thanks! -:- BABYHICK was kicked off #tunes by Fare (preventive kicking) -:- BABYHICK [] has joined #tunes -:- ShitServ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff BABYHICK: #TUNES (Read error to BABYHICK[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- SignOff HickServ: #TUNES (Hey! Where'd my controlling terminal go?) -:- ShitServ is now known as HickServ fare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think fare is sometimes looking at another screen and interruptible with a beep (/msg Fare ^G) or at or connected through a crappy ISP ( or an arrogant ass 05:30pm water? water is an expression of the Tao or at BAH! -:- HickServ [] has left #tunes [] -:- HickServ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff HickServ: #TUNES (:() -:- HickServ [] has joined #tunes damnit wrong window -:- AlonzoTG [] has left #tunes [] hum fare! yes? actually i think i know how to work that one question i asked you but but? tell me again what you think is wrong with c++ inheritance or c++ object oriented programming in general too much I really oughta write that anti-OO FAQ! Fare: uv been saying that for years, just do it you said one thing about c++ inheritance that i forgot HickServ: thats what the logs r for well, C++ class inheritance is broken because it mingles braindeadly extension and fix-point YES! 05:40pm now what exactly does that mean? read TOO! TOO? hmmm... TOO is the book 'A Theory Of Objects' by Martin Abadi & Luca Cardelli at other stuff by Cardelli and/or Abadi is good abi: good girl :) is it online and free though? perhaps not the book, but plenty of articles by the authors (and other fine researchers) are well that's the end of that im not gonna _BUY_ a book just tell me about the fix point crap and i will be on my way go on Cardelli's page, and read on. 05:50pm * HickServ/#tunes gives Fare a dirty look FINE!!! -:- SignOff HickServ: #TUNES (:() 06:00pm -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes linux? linux is elementary penguin singing hare krishna 06:30pm -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- Kaufmann [Kaufmann@] has joined #Tunes Oh boy, this is too good to be true. Remember when I told you about the Brazilian National Internet Strike? >>> Kaufmann [Kaufmann@] requested PING 930973876 from #Tunes Well, they're at it again. 08:50pm -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- bytopian [] has joined #Tunes -:- jdl [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- SignOff jdl: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff bytopian: #TUNES (ircII EPIC4pre2 -- Accept no limitations) -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES ("Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind." - Albert Einstein) -:- Redstorm [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff Redstorm: #TUNES (Leaving) [msg(TUNES)] newlog 1999.0703 IRC log ended Sat Jul 3 00:00:00 1999