IRC log started Fri Jun 18 00:00:01 1999 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 1999.0618 -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Looks pretty empty... msg me if needed -:- lar1 [] has left #tunes [] 12:10am -:- BlackPhoenix [] has joined #tunes -:- BlackPhoenix [] has left #tunes [] -:- s_r [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff s_r: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #Tunes !driz:*! Apologies for the unannounced shutdown of I'm performing some upgrades and will bring it back shortly. -:- jerm [jerm@] has joined #Tunes anyone have an opinion on the open-source brokers (sourcexchange, cosource) or hosters like ? -:- jerm [jerm@] has left #Tunes [] 12:20pm -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (GPF!!!) -:- bing [user9692@] has joined #Tunes harro gakuk eh? abi: gakuk? i think gakuk is a word fare made up for greeting people, that's what he told me ah -:- bing [user9692@] has left #Tunes [] -:- kosh [user8518@] has joined #Tunes a moment of perfect beauty no b5 fans? 12:40pm um, no? somebody said no was pobre heh hrm abi: forget no binEng: I forgot no -:- kosh [user8518@] has left #Tunes [] -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes 12:50pm -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Read error to AlonzoTG[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (sleep) -:- _QZ [] has joined #tunes -:- s_r [] has joined #tunes QZ do you know any where i can find out about specialized graphics hardware? like specifics for programming popular SVGA cards? like page flipping and such? 03:50pm <_QZ> s_r: are you going to use fast graphics routines in BriX? <_QZ> s_r: or u can email support at all the card sites and they might send u books have you done that with any companies? <_QZ> yup <_QZ> circus logic and s3 send me books for free <_QZ> lots of very detailed spec books on all their chipsets what kind of graphics routines are you going to use in BriX? <_QZ> ofcourse my friend emailed them with almost the very same email i sent them and they told him to fill out an nda on their website and then he could access the special developer pages :) _QZ: Would you like glide source code? <_QZ> alot of sites require nda's to get info on their chipsets <_QZ> ya <_QZ> what do u mean by "what kind of gfx routines" brix will have? qz What does xf86 do, if they can't disclose info on chipsets? qz what cards are you going to support? <_QZ> they cant disclose spec info 04:00pm <_QZ> if u want to rip thru xf source then its ok, but they dont want u to have direct access to their specs that contain important stuff that u might not figure out from source <_QZ> ofcourse ati wont allow that at all with their 3d source <_QZ> 3D and tv <_QZ> and some other companies are like that and they have to send out binary modules for linux support are there any companies that make 3d chipsets that allow linux source code to be publically available for those chipsets? <_QZ> matrox is the only one that openly published its 3d specs <_QZ> others require u to get an nda and others wont allow anyone outside the company to see specs <_QZ> hahah have u seen torvald's comment on 04:10pm -:- SignOff s_r: #TUNES (Ping timeout for s_r[]) * Fare/#Tunes is back LinuxExpo France is now ended (including the post-Expo restaurant party) -:- s_r [] has joined #tunes 04:50pm QZ do you think nVidia will allow me to look at information about the riva tnt chipset? -:- SignOff s_r: #TUNES (Ping timeout for s_r[]) 05:00pm -:- tcn [] has joined #tunes tee-see-en! I was wondering if you were there what's up? up is the opposite of down 05:20pm well, I've been at LinuxExpo singing the free software song. I've led a much appreciated song tour throughout the expo don't you know our anthem? no, what is it? (also .midi and .ly) a recording of rms must be somewhere on, too it's _our_ anthem RMS says GNU-slash-linux. I guess this means in french we must translate it as GNU-barre-de-division-Linux gnu-linux what about retro? tunes-retro? tunes-slash-retro? tunes anyway what news about it? oh, i'm still planning thigns 05:30pm what kind of things? all this.. stuff.. gotta pull it together i should at least finish the disk routines & memory allocation tonight, and interface it to forth good btw, I've "ported" eforth to ELF, the other day hehe how painful was it? not too much, but a bit (explanations included in the package) I've also understood how argv/argc/environ worked under Linux must update the Assembly-HOWTO for that... passed as stack parameters to main()? yes, but not exactly 05:40pm well, i'll grab it and see where's it at? must be at ~fare/files/asm/ will be on when skip reads his mail... oops, not in files/asm/ yet hum; waitaminute -:- s_r [] has joined #tunes s_r: ggi and XFree86 have tnt nvidia support -- see their sources 3d support? hey I like your chicken page not 3D, afaik fare who cares about 3D, anyway chicken? hey s_r, just read your email the xf86 4.0 server will have full support for 3d rendering on the TNT2 i thinnk why did the chicken cross the road so we'll have to wait for that sr: then either join Xfree, or wait tcn: it's there now ok fare nvidia has released some devel drivers for 3d too for xf86 3.3.1 but they aren't fully developed yet but they are here now fare do you use the TNT? sure not tcn's Retro isn't on the OS review page it shouldn't be reviewed yet it should be cited, tho yeah it should be under "OSes in an early stage of development" KOS is listed and it really isn't much past the bootloader stage 05:50pm what's that project called "ultra" something that plans to make a new language? sr, other people might be interested :) 06:00pm i doubt anyone is interested in a new language well most new language projects never get anywhere say someone is reading the irc logs, and they like your language.. s/language// haha i got somewhere because my project started as a boot sector, and didn't grow into an OS until months later ultra? ultra is, like, stop msging me! heh * Fare/#Tunes pokes /ignore s_r msg hey it's about time you told us how old you are 06:10pm everyone has to answer that eventually <_QZ> how old is he? maybe he wants us to guess 06:20pm >>> tcn [] requested PING 929755573 901333 from #tunes * Fare/#Tunes guesses 70 years old, plus or minus 70 years hey qz, what you been up to? >>> s_r [] requested PING 929766716 from #tunes * Fare/#Tunes had problems finding the right syntax for LEA under gas... (actually, for [esp+ecx*4+4] * Fare/#Tunes had problems with .align, too 06:30pm (happily, I did think about reading the .info page) * Fare/#Tunes goes to sleep bye! see ya * Fare/#Tunes is away ok irc is a waste of time bye -:- SignOff tcn: #TUNES (tcn has no reason) tcn how's Retro progressing 06:40pm -:- billyboof [] has joined #tunes hello que tal, billyboof <_QZ> hey billy hey qz... hows it going <_QZ> still bad :( why?? ... i've drank a lot since i was last here, i remember something was wrong, but don't remember what :( <_QZ> no X11 <_QZ> life in my 6 VT's sucks :( 08:20pm VT's? 08:30pm <_QZ> virtual terminals qz do you use gnome? <_QZ> yes what exactly does gnome do? gnome? somebody said gnome was GNU's Network Object Model Environment at <_QZ> makes sure all your swap space gets used :) 08:40pm <_QZ> do u know what corba is? no -:- _QZroot [] has joined #tunes <_QZroot> oh my <_QZroot> im in X -:- SignOff _QZroot: #TUNES (xchat exiting..) qz X working? <_QZ> sorta <_QZ> i had to run X as root <_QZ> just gotta figure out howto get into X as me just start it as root and open pt's as your ID <_QZ> thats not how it works but doesn't X need root privileges to interface with the video card? <_QZ> yes but u dont want everything being run as root <_QZ> which is exactly what happens when u dont login as yerself so start X as root and just use your login to open pseduo ttys (windows) how can X be started without root? <_QZ> plus i made extensive modifications to my desktop and that is exactly why i didnt want to reinstall redhat <_QZ> X is run as root but gnome and enlightenment should be run as me 08:50pm why do you need gnome>? <_QZ> ugh <_QZ> why do u need windows? windows is the system software it's there whether i need it or not but what does gnome do that you need? <_QZ> get linux, it will be there too <_QZ> i dontthink u understand the scope of gnome <_QZ> gnome is the ORB for hundreds of apps that cant be used without it gtk? gtk is one library <_QZ> gtk is to draw widgets for apps that don't use Xlib directly? <_QZ> xlib doesnt have widget support <_QZ> gtk is a widget set but doesn't gtk use xlib <_QZ> gtk uses gdk which uses xlib <_QZ> and all gnome apps use gtk after i install gnome i want to install troll, elf, and goblin <_QZ> when i modify the gtkrc file gnome will message all apps and tell them to refresh how do messages work? does it just spawn a new thread to handle the message? <_QZ> <_QZ> i assume it uses sockets <_QZ> all gnome apps listen on the orb socket <_QZ> and gnome apps can send messages to other gnome apps via the orb <_QZ> the orb is much like the brix kernel how does socket listening work? is there a separate thread that justs listens on the socket? <_QZ> i know that it requires multithreading support 09:00pm <_QZ> i guess it uses threads to listen ah yes and forking qz have you considering building a linux system from scratch? 09:10pm <_QZ> s_r: yes -:- SignOff billyboof: #TUNES ( 09:30pm -:- NetSplit: split from [09:31pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- abi [] has joined #Tunes -:- _BC [bmcbrine@pine.Alberni.Net] has joined #tunes -:- _BC [bmcbrine@pine.Alberni.Net] has left #tunes [] -:- Linden2 [kiss@pine.Alberni.Net] has joined #Tunes -:- Linden2 [kiss@pine.Alberni.Net] has left #Tunes [] -:- water [] has joined #tunes hola 10:20pm <_QZ> hello water -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Ping timeout for water[]) -:- BlackPhoenix [] has joined #tunes 10:30pm -:- BlackPhoenix [] has left #tunes [] -:- water [] has joined #tunes wow. bad connection tonight <_QZ> cya -:- SignOff _QZ: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: sleep) ok 11:00pm -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (The Tao has left the building!) [msg(TUNES)] newlog 1999.0619 IRC log ended Sat Jun 19 00:00:00 1999