IRC log started Mon May 24 00:00:00 1999 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 1999.0524 -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff billyboof: #TUNES (Ping timeout for billyboof[]) -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- billyboof [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff billyboof: #TUNES ( -:- billyboof [] has joined #tunes hello 05:30am -:- SignOff billyboof: #TUNES ( -:- AlonzoTG [Alonzo@] has joined #tunes !!! Remote CONNECT 8005 from lilo !!! Remote CONNECT 8005 from lilo -:- timestamp [dancer2@] has joined #Tunes * AlonzoTG/#tunes greets "Salutations timestamp!" :-) -:- tcn [] has joined #tunes hey atg.. y0 heh.. core fibbed a little about my xcom loader trying to figure out which CPU to get nekst... it's about half done what cpu's you got so far? damn acrobat... :( it keeps crashing. :(((( 386, 486, p100 =] I've had the P100 for 4 years now... oh maybe an Amiga would be nice 68040 or 68060.. =\ or an ARM or MIPS myps sounds kool ips searching... or maybe something optimized for forth.. like the F21/i21 or the PSC1000 MIPS is what the N64 uses 06:50am f21 is kool, right? -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- SignOff tcn: #TUNES (tcn has no reason) 07:00am -:- billyboof [] has joined #tunes whats up 07:20am -:- SignOff billyboof: #TUNES ( -:- core [] has joined #tunes people hi (if anyone is alive) hmm, nevermind :P -:- SignOff core: #TUNES (this is *not* the default quit message) 08:30am fgdfgdfg 09:40am -:- eStormy [] has joined #Tunes hi abi hoy, eStormy 10:50am -:- SignOff eStormy: #TUNES (eStormy has no reason) -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes -:- ChanServ has changed the topic on channel #Tunes to: -:- AlonzoTG [Alonzo@] has joined #tunes -:- buffke [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- buffke [] has left #Tunes [] -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- AlonzoTG [Alonzo@] has joined #tunes -:- eStormy [] has joined #Tunes -:- eStormy [] has left #Tunes [] -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes * AlonzoTG/#tunes greets "Salutations hcf!" :-) -:- me [corey@] has joined #tunes :P hey everyone hi me how's it goin? k has anyone ever written a functional GUI? -:- lx_freak [] has joined #Tunes hey freak hey me whats up here anything about linux here? i had just started thinking about how a GUI should be implemented in order to be clean i don't know what they were thinking about before i got here this is OS not GUI GUI is technically a display OS this channel is for the tunes operating system... something that intends to be hosted on linux system untill it's self hosting but we havn't developed the CPU OS yet... -:- lx_freak [] has left #Tunes [] heh that got rid of him fast :) om 01:30pm -:- ramanan [user3028@] has joined #Tunes HI any one here -:- hamim [] has joined #Tunes i'm here -:- hamim [] has left #Tunes [] 02:00pm at least sorta... workin on a program 02:10pm om my computer is getting FAR too many GPFs reciently ;((((( topick? -:- SignOff ramanan: #TUNES (Read error to ramanan[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes om -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) 02:40pm -:- AlonzoTG [Alonzo@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff me: #TUNES (Ping timeout for me[]) om 03:10pm -:- Unkas [perez_reve@] has joined #Tunes hi Is here somebody? eehhhh ok -:- Unkas [perez_reve@] has left #Tunes [] 03:20pm !!! Received SERVER from !?! -:- NetSplit: split from [03:22pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- Tril [] has joined #Tunes -:- ServerMode/#Tunes [+o Tril] by -:- HickServ [thrustit@] has joined #tunes hello * AlonzoTG/#tunes greets "Salutations HickServ!" :-) buenas tardes senor grimes topick? -:- SignOff HickServ: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) 03:50pm -:- _QZ [] has joined #tunes -:- HickServ [thrustit@] has joined #tunes hello -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) <_QZ> hi hoy, _QZ whattup all? <_QZ> not much dat be coo :) <_QZ> u said u would tell me yer ideas today :( i gotta ask fare some more about his ideas 05:10pm <_QZ> what about his ideas? <_QZ> i know everything about tunes my ideas are based oon his <_QZ> if yer ideas are based on his then why arent u working on tunes with them <_QZ> ? what about building objects from other objects cause im selfish but his idea is like 1/3 of mine <_QZ> im gonna go eat, bbiaf k boing hello abi bonjour, HickServ how are you abi? silly bot 05:20pm <_QZ> back 05:50pm what's the best way to represent c pointers in asm? <_QZ> uhh <_QZ> what kinda pointer int *x=&y <_QZ> well it stores them on the stack -:- CHICHO [usuariocc@] has joined #Tunes # Appears as DAN. <_QZ> push value_of_y; push 4; mov ebp,esp <_QZ> CHICHO: excuse me? -:- CHICHO [usuariocc@] has left #Tunes [] <_QZ> x is at [ebp] and y is [ebp+4] or [ebp+[x]] xixo! he never says anything.. <_QZ> Tril: do u do any online stock crap? -:- Tril has changed the topic on channel #Tunes to: summer.. blah no... maybe if I was rich 06:00pm <_QZ> there is this punk 16 year old here in salt lake that is making 6 digits with stocks I know yo should be careful when doing it :) heh lots of fake companies some guy on efnet called me a no talent asm kiddie <_QZ> and he started at like 13 with marvel comic stock that he bought himself Hick: Got proof ur not? nope <_QZ> HickServ: who? some guy in #asm <_QZ> hahaha <_QZ> i use to be an op in #asm <_QZ> but most of them are lame asses _QZ: Getting rich is dull. If you succeed, you just want to be richer. I opt out of the whole game im sorry i just haven't found the need to use c like pointers in a kernel Well fuck dude, everyone and their fucking brother is writing an OS in assembly. So you're just one of many. *** Brobock has quit IRC (ircN 7.05 + 7.0 for mIRC (1999/04/10 00.00)) better than c Then you are obviously not a very talented, or knowledgable programmer. <_QZ> sm1th is the biggest ass tell me about it how do you know when you push value_of_y it'l be at the bottom why wouldnt it <_QZ> it doesnt matter where its at you used the ebp ebp is the frame pointer, not the stack pointer <_QZ> say esp is 0x1000, u push y to 0x1004 and x to 0x1008 now esp is 0x1008 and u set ebp to esp ebp doesnt change while you're in the current function <_QZ> oops <_QZ> reverse those addresses hehe abi, which way does the stack grow? no idea, tril abi, are you a gaybot? i haven't a clue, hickserv :( :) <_QZ> esp=1000, y=0ffc, x=0ff8, ebp=0ff8 <_QZ> so [ebp+4] is the contents of y <_QZ> and [ebp] is the contents of x uh oh <_QZ> if u set [x] to 4 then it will point to y im banned from #asm <_QZ> dont think yer missing out on anything because yer banned from #asm i know i know 06:10pm <_QZ> #asm isnt really an asm channel <_QZ> its to talk about smoking dope, coding linux apps in C and fucking off heh yay <_QZ> during the first 6 months to a year after we started the channel there was a lot of takeovers when we talked about asm <_QZ> after they stopped talking asm no one wanted it oh and you you can access y by ebp+x <_QZ> no ;( <_QZ> mov ebx,[ebp] oh yes <_QZ> mov ebx,[ebp+ebx] my bad <_QZ> now ebx = y thankyou kind sir <_QZ> and u can use equates to find them easier k <_QZ> x equ 0; y equ x+4; etc... i don't really like using pointers though i mean in c i do i have to mabye references but they are generally dangerous <_QZ> btw, i have been told that novell's stock will be worth $80 a share in 5 years <_QZ> $25 now i've heard a lot about online stock tips on tv :) they bad <_QZ> this wasnt on tv where? usually stock tips don't tell how high a stock will be usually just that they'll be good or bad 06:20pm <_QZ> this is based on the success of nds and the lack of M$'s oh make some money and you can have qzx on the nyse :))) <_QZ> ok ill make qzx a porn site heh hey could you explain semantics in programming language terms(i hate to ask you so many questions) <_QZ> eh? well fare always talks about good and bad semantics in programming languages <_QZ> fare is also french and they like to have dead cricket spitting contests okay, _QZ. <_QZ> abi: bad girl well excluding our predjuduce against the french could you kinda explain it to me <_QZ> tril could semantics is meaning as opposed to syntax which is form could you like give me an example of good semantics f(x) syntax-wise is an f token and a x token in parens. f(x) semantics-wise is whatever the definition of f(x) is. 06:30pm ok I have been explaining semantics (not good or bad) do you understand that so far? yes kind sir do you know what side effects are? no well not programming wise well, in a functional language it is good style to write functions that ONLY communicate to their caller through the return value, and don't modify any other data anywhere. yes like in c if the behavior includes modifying global data, or local static data, or doing I/O, then the function is impure. but if it only returns a result, and it is the same result if it was given the same argument, every time, then it is pure It is possible that Fare means "impure" when he says "bad semantics", but you have to give me the context of his statement to be sure. Impure means it has side effects. Pure = no side effects brb then hence "pure functional style" booooo and what is type checking? what about the bad semantics? Where did he say it? oh lemme check 06:40pm you know C? It has types int, char, float, etc i don't know he just once said "c has bad semantics" type checking is verifying that the argument to a function has the same type as the function declaration, or that the value being assigned to a variable matches the type in the variable declaration. so you can't overload? <_QZ> what was the meta tag to redirect to a new page? lemme see <_QZ> ah thanks change 0 to the number of seconds to wait before refreshing <_QZ> ya i know <_QZ> i use to have it on a couple pages but removed it from all i want to write a programming language like forth but even lower level hick: Overloading is dynamic type checking <_QZ> is there anyway to make apache open a new browser window with another site? static type check means all types are known at compile time, dynamic means they may be checked at run time (and you could get type errors at run time) _QZ you seem confused. Opening a browser window is done by the client, in response to HTML code in a page..what has Apache got to do with it? <_QZ> geocities pops up those ad windows I don't know the HTML code to open a URL in a new browser window. oh right. and puts its little logo in the bottom right corner <_QZ> my friend has a page on and i wanna pop up some windows on his page im leaving <_QZ> but i cant add javascript to his page cuz he will remove it you got me oh one more little thing what is dynamic loading of libraries ? 06:50pm Hick: when you use a library in your program, at link time you don't copy the library code into your executable, instead you require that the user has the library to run your program, and his operating system loads it automatically when he runs your program. cool Static linking (and loading) is when you copy all library code you use into your executable. That makes bigger programs, and the OS has no way to share the same library between multiple programs (it has to load it each time) thanks you guys you are really helpful later -:- SignOff HickServ: #TUNES (byez) _QZ I dont know maybe Alias his page to one of yours and use includes to get his page inside yours? that would work, but require with